They provide quality food, for all the meals breakfast, snack and lunch. They cater to dietary restrictions as well.
Food Program
Cedar Crest Academy provides your children with fresh, organic and freshly made meals every day. We believe a healthy body is a necessary component to a child’s learning. We, therefore, provide high quality, warm and nutritious meals that include all five food groups, organic fruits, and vegetables.
Each campus has a trained and designated Cook who prepares and serves delicious and nutritionally balanced snacks and lunches for all students. Each campus is also equipped with a commercial kitchen. Menus of all served meals and snacks are available to take home, and the current menu is posted each week. We also offer vegetarian meal options.
Campus Cooks follow our strict and high standards for health, safety, and sanitization as established by our school and Washington State's Health Department and Department of Early Learning. Cedar Crest Academy's snacks and lunches exceed USDA guidelines.
What is Provided Daily?
During normal school hours, Pre-Primary students receive one morning snack, lunch, and an afternoon snack. Elementary students are provided with a morning snack and fresh lunch. Pre-Primary parents may stay up to date on their child's lunch and snack consumption through our childcare application.
Before & After Care
- Students enrolled in Before Care are given the option to have breakfast which includes cereal, waffles, and more.
- After Care students are provided with an afternoon snack
Allergies & Additional Food Restrictions
If, for medical or religious reasons, your child should require a special diet or has a food allergy, please discuss this with the Directors and indicate the special need in your enrollment information. We keep an Allergy/Dietary Restrictions chart in each classroom and in the kitchen listing the child’s name and the prohibited food; this list is updated monthly. We make every effort to accommodate restricted diets. If your child has a food allergy, you will need to complete a Childcare Emergency Plan for Allergic Reactions form that must also be signed by your child’s doctor. Please obtain this form from the Director or Office Administrator.
Food from Home
For Pre-Primary students, we request that you do not bring food from home unless prior arrangements have been made. Elementary students can bring their own lunch if they would like but must follow the school’s Lunch from Home Policy.